- Academic Integrity / Cheating
- Benefits / Retirement
- Community Safety
- Disability Accommodations for Students
- Discrimination involving students or employees (includes hostile work environment) and Gender-based misconduct involving employees
- Gender-Based Misconduct Involving Students (includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, stalking)
- Gender-Non-Binary and Transgender Student Concerns
- Compliance Concerns
- Immigration Questions
- Inclusive Teaching
- Health & Counseling
- Ombuds / Confidential Questions
- Remote Course Policy
- Research Misconduct
- Use of University Space
- Veterans
Academic Integrity / Cheating
Registrar and Academic Success
The UNC Asheville Catalog gives faculty responsibility for taking disciplinary action for academic dishonesty committed in their own classes; students have the right to appeal those actions through the Faculty Conciliator and Academic Appeals Board process.
If you take disciplinary action for a case of academic dishonesty in your classes, please notify the student in writing, then submit a record of your action using the Academic Integrity form.
The Academic Success Center (ASC) takes no additional action if the incident is a student’s first reported case. If ASC has documented multiple incidents, additional disciplinary action can be sanctioned by the Provost’s Office.
Benefits / Retirement
Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources is the point of contact for inquiries about medical and dental coverage, full retirement, tuition programs and disability for all faculty and staff.
Questions regarding the Phased Retirement Program for faculty should be directed to Angie Irvin in Academic Affairs at 828-251-6471.
Community Safety
Public Safety
UNCA Public Safety provides emergency response, assistance with personal threats, security escorts, lost and found, parking and transportation services, and assistance with law enforcement.
In an emergency, dial 911 or contact University Police at 828-251-6710.
Disability Accommodations for Students
Office of Academic Accessibility
You can contact the Office of Academic Accessibility directly or students can complete and online student application on the website:
Academic Accessibility also assists with accessibility for events and course materials.
For pregnancy-related accommodations, please contact the Title IX Coordinator (see Gender-based misconduct involving students, below, for contact information).
Discrimination involving students or employees (includes hostile work environment) and Gender-based misconduct involving employees
Human Resources and IX Coordinator
UNC Asheville prohibits all forms of discrimination and discriminatory harassment based on race, sex, age, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender and other protected categories. All policies are on HR’s website.
UNC Asheville employees cannot have any instructional, research, administrative or other responsibility or authority over an enrolled student with whom she or he has an amorous relationship or to whom he or she is related by blood, law or marriage.
Faculty, research officer and staff responsibilities:
All have a duty to report discrimination, harassment and related misconduct toward students toTitle IX. (For gender-based misconduct involving students, see below.)
The University asks all faculty, research officers and staff to report prohibited conduct involving employees or third parties to Human Resources or Title IX.
All who have supervisory responsibility are required to report prohibited conduct involving anyone at UNCA to HR, and are responsible for acting to prevent discrimination and harassment, including responding promptly and thoroughly to these types of claims.
Gender-Based Misconduct Involving Students (includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, stalking)
Title IX Office
Inform the student that you have a responsibility to report what they’ve shared Title IX Office; the Title IX Coordinator will contact the student with resources and information. It is the student’s choice whether to participate in an investigation, if one occurs.
Provide information about UNC Asheville’s resources from the Title IX website.
Gender-Non-Binary and Transgender Student Concerns
Registrar and Title IX
Students can register their affirmed (preferred) names, which will appear on course rosters.
Restroom policy: All may use restrooms that are most consistent with their gender identity; campus maps include single-user and gender-neutral restrooms.
Compliance Concerns
Internal Audit Office
The University’s Internal Audit Office is a confidential channel, by phone and web-based, for employees to report or seek guidance on possible compliance and fraud issues.
It includes an option to report concerns anonymously.
Immigration Questions
Study Abroad Office and Office of Academic Affairs Personnel Specialist
International students and visiting professors and researchers should contact the Study Abroad Office for assistance.
The Office of Academic Affairs Personnel Specialist is the go-to resource for international full-time faculty.
Inclusive Teaching
Center for Teaching and Learning
The Center for Teaching and Learning offers resources, workshops and individualized consultation.
Health & Counseling
Student Well-Being
You can speak with the student, a student affairs administrator, or consult directly with student Health & Counseling Center.
Behavioral red flags may include repeatedly missing class, frequently being unprepared, and a noticeable decline in participation.
- Student Health & Counseling Center (Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm)
- Crisis Services – Bulldog HealthLink, 888.267.3675
Faculty & Staff Well-Being
The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, offered through ComPsych are available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week with free and confidential assistance.
- Faculty & Staff Employee Assistance Program (EAP), 833.515.0768, Company ID: UNCAEAP
Ombuds / Confidential Questions
The University Ombuds Office is a confidential place for faculty and students to discuss workplace and academic concerns, policies and procedures and many other issues.
Ombuds serve faculty and students and are not part of any formal University process.
Student Ombuds
Faculty Ombuds
- Laura Jones, 828.251.6123
Research Misconduct
Remote Course Policy
UNC Asheville’s success is based on the in-person instruction that provides high quality faculty and student engagement. In certain circumstances, courses that are offered fully remote may also promote student success. Instructors who demonstrate effectiveness at remote instruction based on annual evaluations may be eligible to occasionally teach a remote section of a multi-section course that is offered in-person. Additional courses being taught remotely are subject to approval by Academic Affairs.
Administrators should utilize the following guidelines to ensure equity and student-centeredness for fully remote courses.
- Remote courses allocated to faculty should be distributed equitably and be limited to one course per instructor per semester.
- Remote courses allocated to faculty should meet synchronously. Asynchronous courses must be submitted for approval a month in advance of the schedule, must indicate how instructional hours are equivalent to an in person course; and include all of the following:
- Remote courses allocated to faculty should list and assess remote-specific learning outcomes.
- Remote courses allocated to faculty should include questions about the effectiveness of remote delivery on the SFIs.
- Remote courses allocated to faculty should be approved by the unit and division head upon submission of the draft schedule.
Additional guidelines
- The modality of courses may not be changed from the schedule without approval from the Dean.
- No more than 20% of a department’s curriculum can be offered remotely.
- Hybrid is defined as at least 50% in person.
- Individual instructors may utilize remote instruction during the semester, that may include up to 20% of their meetings remotely. Clear communication to students, the chair, and the dean is required.
All exceptions to these provisions must be pre-approved by the unit Dean and Provost.
Leadership in each UNC Asheville division is responsible for determining which types of flexibility may be appropriate based on operational need, specific position requirements, and employee performance. Decisions regarding flexible work arrangements are at the discretion of leadership. This policy does not create a guarantee, right, or entitlement to any specific flexible work arrangement for any employee.
- For further reference:
Research Misconduct
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
The University defines research misconduct, in accordance with federal policy, as any fabrication, falsification or plagiarism in proposing, performing or reviewing research or in the reporting of research results.
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is the place to go for concerns or questions, including hypothetical situations.
- Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, 828.251.6476 Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Student Health & Counseling After Hours Contacts
- Medical Emergency – Contact MAHEC at 828-257-4740
- Crisis Services – Bulldog HealthLink at 888-267-3675
Faculty & Staff Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Guidance Resources Online at 833-515-0768, Company ID: UNCAEAP
Veterans, Active Military Service Members, & their Dependents
Veteran Services
The Office of the Registrar handles resources, policies and procedures for veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces.